Friday, April 22, 2011

Trailer Parking with Raymond Tyler!

THOR! The Trailer!

Thor Movie Facts
Opens May 6th, 2011
Stars Chris Hemsworth, Anthony Hopkins and Natalie Portman
Directed By Kenneth Branagh

5 Things I Thought While Watching This Trailer

1. The first thing they tell you in "Writin School" is never start off with "It was a dark and stormy night."

2. WTH is that "Stringer Bell" as Heimdall and The Hunter? Can we get "Brother Muzzone" in the sequel?

3.The film makers some how got ASGARD right. I remember as a kid reading Thor comics, in my imagination how bright and shiny and BIG ...ASGARD would be. From the trailers they really use the CGI to get it right.

4. The film makers seem to have gotten the Thor Vs Odin part right as well. This movie would be ultra wrong if all the drama was caused by The Destroyer. When Stan Lee and Jack Kirby first presented Thor in the pages of the comic book Journey Into Mystery, the stories were even more about Thor's inter action with his father Odin than whatever monsters Thor would face. Fact is with Lee and Kirby's Thor...Most of the drama was between Thor, Odin and Thor's half brother Loki. Kudos to the people behind the Thor Movie for including that family strife dynamic.

5. My last thought was "No these Mother Freakers are not putting this out in 3 Mother Freakin D. Are there going to be giant ants in the Thor 2 Electric Boogie?" Well Thor opens May 6th, 2011. I will be seeing in it, hopefully just in plain two d . And please follow us here and on facebook.

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